Meeting notes 4th January 2001


Present: Chrissy, Andy, Alison, Ade & Joanne



Received from Liz Clark and Liv Armitage – Thank you.


Lottery Awards

AW has looked at the application from in detail and the example of a successful

application. It is felt that this needs to be filled in as a joint effort by a small team to

include someone with some financial knowledge of the CKA. To be discussed at the next



City of Ely School

Andy advised that they now have some posts.


CDSSSA meeting

This meeting is being held on 9th January and Korfball is now on the agenda. We need a

presence there to promote Korfball. Andy Rutter, Liv Armitage and Lia from Kites have

been suggested.

Andy came to the meeting specifically to move this forward in readiness for the meeting

on Tuesday. However due to the lack of attendance at the meeting we don’t even have a

time for the event. AW rang around members of last meeting to get some input to no


POST MEETING NOTE: AW spoke to Denise Goodacre after the meeting. Denise will

confirm the time and call Liv Armitage on 5th January 2001 to discuss the meeting.   Denise

Can Liv speak to Andy to discuss the meeting.                                                                   Liv



Definitive list of people required from all clubs.                                                                  All


Demo @ Grafton Centre

Chrissy has found out how we can go about arranging this and the limitations. Event

needs to be attractive to shoppers to be permitted and we need to put forward our

proposal which can be during the week and/or the weekend. Limitations include size of

props, using sponge balls etc. There is a 3/4month lead time on getting a place so we

need to start acting on this. Use of video tapes was suggested to demonstrate real games



Public Liability Insurance

We need to look at this issue for the CKA. Investigation through insurance contacts and

BKA to take place.                                                                                                          AW


Next Meeting

Next meeting to be arranged



Ade 5th January 2001